This short FAQ from our lawyers will help you understand how the idea of legislation against ‘non-traditional sexual relationships propaganda’ was born, how this law has been used for 10+ years, and how it influenced the lives of LGBTQ+ people in Russia.
— What did the history of ‘non-traditional sexual relationships propaganda’ begin with?
— How was the 2013 ‘On the Ban of Non-traditional Sexual Relationships Propaganda’ legislation originally administered?
— What changed in 2021-2022?
— How did international authorities and organizations react to the 2013 ‘On the Ban of Non-traditional Sexual Relationships Propaganda’ legislation?
— What happened in December 2022?
— How has the new legislation practically influenced the lives of LGBTQ+ people in Russia?
— How could the 2022 ‘On the Ban of Non-traditional Sexual Relationships Propaganda’ legislation be evaluated in terms of international human rights protection standards?
2024, .PDF